
вторник, 2 мая 2017 г.

Check your progress

Check your progress
1.My train is running late, so I won’t be home before seven o’clock.
2.Julie isn’t feeling well. I don’t think she will go to school today.
3.He’s a really good actor, I’m sure he won’t become famous one day.
4.We can go to the beach tomorrow. I’m sure it won’t rain.
5.What do you think? Will you go to university?
6.James is in London. So he won’t be at the party tonight.
7.It’s quite hot today. I think I will go swimming this afternoon.
8.Tom’s always so nice. He will get angry when he finds out.
9.A:Will you come to the match tomorrow?
B:Sorry, but I don’t think I will have time. I will come to the one next week.
10.A: Pat won’t be happy when she sees that you have broken her computer.
B: I know. I will tell her what happened as soon as she comes home.

1.       My parents are angry because I didn’t do the washing-up.
2.       Our team lost yesteryay. Everyone played badly.
3.       Last week’s test was easy.
4.       My sister sings good.
5.       Hurry up.Jill! Why are you walking so slowly?
6.       Last night I heard a lound noise outside my room.
7.       It was a slow journey and we arrived very late.
8.       The players were all too slow, that’s why we lost match.
9.       His mum works so hard- she’s hardly at home.

1.I’ll probably get a good job.
2.Joanne hopes to become a famous singer.
3.Maybe she’ll have children.
4.Nick thinks they’ll get marries soon.
5.Im sure he’ll learn to drive.
6.We’ll probably watch TV tonight.
7.I doubt he’ll come with us.

1.There was such a strong wind that some trees fell down.
2.The castle on that hill burnt down because it was struck by lighting.
3.There was heavy shower for three days-the streets looked like rivers.
4.It didn’t really rain very hard-it was only a thunder.
5.We didn’t sit on the beach after 11 am. There was too much sun and it was too hot.
6.I’ve just heard some rain from far away. I think there’ll be a storm soon.
7.I couldn’t see anythink from my window this morning-it was really foggy outside.

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