
вторник, 26 сентября 2017 г.

Check your progress

Ex. 1/a
While I was walking down the street yesterday, I saw a friend of mine. He was looking in a shop window. I started to cross the road to say hello to him. While I was crossing the road, I heard a noise. A bus came in my direction! The bus stopped very close to me. I was lucky it didn’t hit me! 

Ex. 1/b
I’m a good player, but Steve is better than me and Jane is the best player in the school!
Question 1 was easy. Question 4 was easier than question 1, and question 6 was the easiest question of all.
Last night’s match was exciting, but Saturday’s match was more exciting than last night’s match, and Sunday’s match was the most exciting ever.
Yesterday was a bad day for me, but Thursday was worse than yesterday, and Friday was the worst day of my life!

Ex. 1/c
They ran home quickly.
She smiled happily
My brother speaks French fluently.
The hairdresser cut my hair very badly.
I answered all the questions easily.
Our team played very goodly.

Ex. 2/a
Bad – good
Fast – slow
Cheap – expensive
Beautiful – ugly
Tidy – messy
Quiet – noisy
Easy – difficult

Ex. 2/b
It rained very hard last Saturday when I was in town, and I got very wet.
Our dog can’t walk very well because he’s getting very old now.
I got a surprise yesterday. My uncle sent me some money!
The party was great, and I didn’t get home until midnight!
My brother says he gets good ideas when he daydreams.
I love Maths, and I’m happy when I get the answer right.

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