
воскресенье, 5 ноября 2017 г.



Passive Voice.          Present Simple
The documents are printed.
The window is opened.
The shoes are bought.
The car is washed.
The litter is thrown away.
The letter is sent.
The book isn’t read.
The songs aren’t sung.
The food isn’t eaten.
The shop isn’t closed.
Past Simple 
The test was written.
The table was set.
The cat was fed.
The lights were switched on.
The house was built.
Dinner was served.
This computer wasn’t sold.
The car wasn’t stopped.
The tables weren’t cleaned.
The children weren’t picked up.
Present Perfect 
The postcard has been sent.
The pencils have been counted.
The door has been closed.
The beds have been made.
The mail has been written.
The tress have been planted.
The money has been spent.
The room hasn’t been booked.
The rent hasn’t paid.
The people haven’t been informed.
The exhibition will be visited.
The windows will be cleaned.
The massage will be read.
The thief will be arrested.
The photo will be taken.
These songs will be sang.
The sign will not be seen.
A dictionary will not be used.
Credit cards will not be accepted.

The ring will not be found.

Classwork:Directions/Indirect speech

1.Robert said, “I want to renew my domain.”
A.Robert said that I want to renew my domain.
B.Robert said that he wanted to renew his domain.
C.Robert said that he will renew his domain.
D.Robert said that he renews his domain.
2.Gina said, “I am unable to upload files using FTP.”
A. Gina said that she was unable to upload files using FTP.
B.Gina said me that she is unable to upload files using FTP.
C.Gina said that we are unable to upload files using FTP.
D.Gina said I was unable to upload files using FTP.
3.Tania said, “Could you change my domain name?”
A.Tania asked if she could change the domain name.
B. Tania asked if we could change her domain name.
C.Tania said if I can change my domain name?
D.Tania wanted to know if she can change her domain name.
4.Jerry said, “I want to renew my account.”
A. Jerry said that he wanted to renew his account.
B.Jerry said that he will renew his account.
C.Jerry said that I wanted to renew my account.
D.Jerry said he wanted to renewed his account.
6.Tom said, “Why did you charge me?”
A.Tom asked that why have you charged me.
B. Tom asked why we had charged him.
C.Tom asked why we charge him.
D.Tom asked if we charged him.
7.Nancy said, “I need extra disk space.”
A. Nancy said that she needed extra disk space.
B.Nancy said that she would need extra disk space.
C.Nancy said that I need extra disk space.
D.Nancy said that she may need extra disk space.
8.Jenna said, “I will update my credit card details within 2 days.”
A.Jenna said me that she will update her credit card details within 2 days.
B.Jenna said that she is updating her credit card details within 2 days.
C.Jenna said that she will need to update her credit card within 2 days.
D. Jenna said that she would update her credit card details within 2 days.
9.Pluto said,”I don’t want to continue with this membership.”
A.Pluto said that he don’t want to continue with this membership.
B. Pluto said that he did not want to continue with that membership.
C.Pluto said that he does not wanted to continue with this membership.
D.Pluto said that he will not want to continue with that membership.
10.Camy said, “Why are my e-mails bouncing back?”
A.Camy wanted to know why were her e-mails bouncing back.
B.Camy wants to know why my e-mails are bouncing back.
C.Camy said that why her e-mails are bouncing back.

D.Camy siad that my e-mails are bouncing back.

Write the right preposition: Prepositions Exercise

1. I slept till nine o’clock.
2. I commenced work from 1st May.
3. We walked to the end of the street.
4. The child has been missing since yesterday.
5. He traveled seventy miles in two hours.
6. I received this message at 7 o’clock in the morning.
in, atat, atat, in
7. I saw him felling a big tree with a hatchet.
8. An old feud existed between the two families.
9. Besides Peter and John, there were three other boys present.
BesideBesidesIn addition
10. He was stabbed by a lunatic with a dagger.
by, withby, bywith, bywith, with
11. She dislikes being looked at.
12. Don’t throw food to the dog.

attoEither could be used here

«If» by Rudyard Kipling:My opinion

«If» by Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
My opinion

In my opinion, this poem is about our life. The speaker lists a number of conditionals, saying that “if” the listener does these things, they will live a fulfilling existence.

Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was born in Bombay, but educated in England at the United Services College, Westward Ho, Bideford. In 1882 he returned to India, where he worked for Anglo-Indian newspapers. His literary career began with Departmental Ditties (1886), but subsequently he became chiefly known as a writer of short stories. A prolific writer, he achieved fame quickly. Kipling was the poet of the British Empire and its yeoman, the common soldier, whom he glorified in many of his works, in particular Plain Tales from the Hills (1888) and Soldiers Three (1888), collections of short stories with roughly and affectionately drawn soldier portraits. His Barrack Room Ballads (1892) were written for, as much as about, the common soldier. In 1894 appeared his Jungle Book, which became a children’s classic all over the world.

1. Amanda’s Parents lives in Greece.
2. Her husband’s name is John.
3. No he isn’t he lives in Australia.
4. His parents are live in United States.
5. Joh and Amanda lives in Sydney.
6. Amanda is a student.
actor- դերասան
architect- ճարտարապետ
chef- խոհարար
computer programmer- համակարգչային ծրագրավորող
dentist- ատամնաբույժ
doctor- բժիշկ
engineer- ինժիներ
farmer- ֆերմեր
lawyer- իրավաբան
sea captain- ծովային կապիտան
shop assistan — վաճառող
TV producer- հեռուստային պրոդյուսեր
3- shop assistant
4-computer programmer
3-TV producer
1.Her husband isn’t happy at work
2.Her mother isn’t in work because she’s retired.
3.Her mother is 63 years old.
4.Her sons are actors but they aren’t in work.
5.Her sons haven’t got jobs;they’re unemployed.
1.Where are you from?
2.I am from Australia, from Darwin.
3.Where’s Darwin?Darwin is it near Sydney.
4.No it is not . it’s in the north.
5.Is it nice?
6.Yes, it is. It’s beautiful.
1.Where are you from?
2.Where from Columbus, Ohio, in the USA.
3.Are you on holiday?
4.No we aren’t.Were students.
1.Where your teacher from?
The United States.
2.Is he a student?
No, he isn’t.
3.How old are you?
I’m 35.
4.How do you spell your surname?
1.Are you English ?
No I’m not english.I’m Scottish.
2.Where are you from in Scotland?
I from Glasgow.
1.His name’s Edward.
2.Were students.There teachers name is Matt.
3.Im Irish.Irish family are from Dublin.
4.It’s a Chinese restaurant.His name is Merry City.
5.What’s your phone number?
My mobile number?It’s 07700900156.
7.They’re Scottish.His surname’s MacLeod.
A doctor, a hospital, an architect, a dentist,a shop, a week, a bookshop.
1.Stephen Spielberg is a famous film director.
2.Hausa is an African language.
3.George Clooney is an American actor.
4.A Ferrari is an Italian car.
5.Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese footballer.
6.France is an European country.
1.My cousin Julia is an doctor. —- a doctor.
2.My grandfather is a retired.—- retried.
3.My Pablo is architect in Brussels.—- an architect.
4.My father is an unemployed.—— unemployed.
5.Lucia’s friend is lawyer in New York.—- a lawyer.
6.I’m an chef in my uncle’s restaurant.—— a chef.
1.-a table
2.-a chair
3.-a pencils
4.-a photos
5.-a phone
6.-a pieces of paper
1.a coin
2.a folder
3.a computer
4.a glasses
5.a book
6.a wallet
7.a tissue
8.a photo

Check your Progress
Match the antonyms. One of the words is extra one. 
1. optimistic a) pessimistic 
2. hard-working b) lazy 
3. intelligent c) silly 
4. decent d) indecent 
5. just e) unjust 
6. beautiful f) ugly 
7. g) persistent 
Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct tense. 
1. Our family saves money for a new car by the end of the year.
 2. If you catch the taxi, you will meet Mary at the station. 
3. Father told us that he bought the tickets the day before. 
4. The girl waters her flowers in the morning. 
5. This time tomorrow they will sit in the train on their way to Chicago. 
6. Many reporters came to the conference yesterday. 
7. Don’t shout! My son is sleeping. 
8. He has already broken his new bicycle. 
Characterize a person. 
1. Steve isn’t afraid of dangerous situations. He is courageous. 
2. Ann can’t stop talking. She is garrulous. 
3. Bogdan hates spending money. He is miser. 
4. Kate is friendly and enjoys being with other people. She is sociable. 
5. Harry never tells a lie. He is honest.

Twelve-year-old Henry Turner boards the Flying Dutchman and informs his father, Will Turner, that the curse which binds Will to the Dutchman and only permits him to step on land once a decade can be broken by the Trident of Poseidon. Henry intends to recruit Captain Jack Sparrow to help find it, but Will believes this is impossible and orders Henry to leave. Will and the Dutchman then disappear into the sea, but Henry vows to find Jack and the Trident.
Nine years later, Henry is a sailor in the British Royal Navy. The ship sails into the supernatural Devil's Triangle and stumbles upon the wreck of the Silent Mary, whose ghostly crew led by Spanish pirate-hunter Captain Salazar attack. Salazar spares Henry's life to deliver a message to Jack: Salazar is coming for him.
In Saint Martin, a young astronomer and horologist named Carina Smyth is sentenced to death for witchcraft but escapes and briefly crosses paths with Jack as he and his crew spectacularly blunder a bank robbery. Having suffered years of such bad luck, Jack's crew lose faith and abandon him. Depressed, Jack trades his magical compass for a drink. However, this betrayal of the compass frees Salazar and his crew from the Devil's Triangle. Carina learns Henry is looking for the Trident's location and offers to help him using her unknown father's diary. Carina and Jack are captured and face execution, but are saved by Henry and Jack's crew, setting sail on the Dying Gull. Carina deciphers clues that the stars will lead to an island where the Trident is hidden.
Meanwhile, Captain Barbossa hears from his pirate crew that the revived Captain Salazar has killed several pirates at sea, and learns that the Trident could lead him to a new "treasure". Barbossa sets off to find the Trident, until Salazar and his crew appear and destroy Barbossa's fleet. Barbossa manages to talk his way out of being killed by offering to help find Jack. Salazar agrees, wanting revenge on the pirate that caused his demise. Salazar pursues the Dying Gull, forcing Jack, Henry, and Carina to flee to an island, discovering that Salazar's crew cannot go on land. After saving Jack from a forced marriage, Barbossa allies himself with Jack, returning his compass and restoring the miniaturized Black Pearltrapped in a bottle by Blackbeard, to its original size. They all continue their journey to the Trident's island, with Barbossa taking command of the Pearl once more. During the voyage, Jack and Barbossa realize Carina is the latter's long-lost daughter. Barbossa tells Jack that he had left her at an orphanage with his diary so she could live a better life, and refuses to tell her the truth so she will continue to believe her father was an astronomer.
Approaching the Trident's island, the Pearl evades a British Navy warship, which is destroyed by the Silent Mary before the Pearl runs aground on the island. Jack, Barbossa, and Carina use the island's magic to part the ocean and open a path to the Trident's location on the ocean floor. Salazar captures Henry and demonically possesses his body in order to walk on the ocean floor and seize the Trident. Once he does so, Henry is given his body back and decides to destroy the Trident, breaking all curses upon the sea and restoring Salazar's crew to life. However, the divided sea begins to collapse in on itself. The Pearllowers its anchor to lift them to safety, but Salazar pursues them, still hell-bent on killing Jack. Carina realizes that Barbossa is her father when she spots a tattoo on his arm identical to the diary's cover. Barbossa sacrifices himself to kill Salazar, allowing the others to escape alive.
Some time later, Henry and Carina reach Port Royal, where Will appears, free from the Dutchman. His wife, Elizabeth, appears moments later and the Turner family reunites. Henry and Carina begin a relationship as well. Jack watches from the Pearl in faux-disgust before sailing away into the horizon, having been accepted by his crew as their captain once again.
In a post-credits scene, Will appears to have a nightmare where a resurrected Davy Jones enters his room, oblivious that Jones left a trace of wet barnacles on the floor beneath he and Elizabeth.

Check your progress

1.I enjoyed the film a lot yesterday. I hadn't watched a comedy for a long time.
2.I felt really tired yesterday because I didn't sleep well the night before.
3.We had great fun last summer. We hadn't been to the beach since 2001.
4.The house was really cold because someone had forgotten to close the window before we left.
5.Had John lived in London for a long time before he moved to Oxford?
6.Had they known each other for a long time before they got married?

1.'I'm bored,' she said. She said she was bored.
2.'I want to go home,' said my little brother. My little brother sad he wanted to go home.
3.'I didn't do my homework,' he told the teacher. He told the teacher he hadn't done his homework.
4.'I'll pay for the meal,' said Luis. Luis said he would pay for the meal.
5.'Your brother can't come,' my aunt told me. My aunt told me that my brother couldn't come.
6.'I've never been to the USA,' he said. He said he had never been to the USA.

1.If we hadn't woken up late yesterday, we wouldn't have been late for school.
2.I wouldn't have bought it for you if I knew you already had it.
3.If i had known the answer, I would have told you.
4.We had phoned you if we wouldn't have forgotten your number.
5.What would you have done if your parents had found out?

1.Those people are on holiday here they're tourists.
2.My father's a stamp collector.
3.Picasso was a famous artist.
4.I know a journalist at the local newspaper.
5.The pipe's burst - phone for a plumber.
6.My sister's a receptionist at the new hotel.
7.It must be very interesting to be an archaeologist.

1.I think films are my favourite form of entertainment.
2.Hello. Wh've got a reservation for a room here, for two nights.
3.Look~ I've got an invitation to a party next week.
4.That's much better, James. You've made a lot of improvement.
5.We need some new sports equipment.
6.There's lots of useful information about the city in this guidebook.
7.Quiet, please! I'm doing a very complicated calculation.


1.The pills that are used here cost a lot of money!
2.The nurse who saw me was very nice.
3.That's the office where my mother used to work.
4.There's a girl in my class who gets terrible headaches.
5.My grandfather can remember the days when almost nobody travelled by plane.
6.I know a girl whose father is a teacher at your school.

1.A hospital is a place where doctors and nurses work.
2.An ambulance is a vehicle that takes people to hospital.
3.A patinent is someone who has a health problem.
4.An epidemic is when a very large number of people have the same disease.
5. A vaccination is something which prevents you from getting a disease.
6.A  surgeon is someone who operates on people.
7.An injection is when liquid is put into a person's arm with a needle.
8.Antiseptic is something that you put on a cut to keep it clean.

Chech your progress

1.I think the Star Wars films are great everyone should go and see them!
2.I'm bored-I've got nothing to do.
3.This morning someone phoned me, but I have no idea who it was!
4.I was happy in the English lesson because I understood everything the teacher said.
5.I put my magazine somewhere, and I now I can't find it!
6.He found lots of shirts in the shop, but none of them were the colour he wanted.
7.I told a gret joke this morning but no one laughed! I don't think they understood it!

1.Tomorrow's holiday, so we don't have to go to school.
2.I understand-you don't have to explain everything again.
3.You mustn't eat in class-it's a school rule.
4.Hurry up, Sally-we mustn't miss the bus.
5.My sister's revising for her exams. so she doesn't have to do any housework.
6.Mum and Dad told us we mustn't get home later than midnight.

1.I've drunk four cups of coffee this morning!
2.I'm really happy-my aunt has sent me some money for my birthday.
3.My brother has been talking on the phone all morning.
4.The dog's really dirty because he's played in the garden.
5.My parents have been visiting my grandparents three times this month.
6.I've been reading this book since ten o'clock, but i still haven't finished it.

1.That can't be true! I don't believe you!
2.Sophie doesn't know the answer, so she'll have to guess.
3.You must concentrate  or you'll never finish your homework.
4.They believe in ghosts and say that they have seen three in their house!
5.I didn't recognise her, she looked so different!
6.Can you imagine being a famous football player?


1. Look at the sign, Dad! You aren't allowed to turn right here.

2.You can take photos in the museum, but you aren’t allowed to use a flash.

3.It’s Ok to take our bike into the park, Steve we aren’t allowed to cycle there.
4.There’s a river in our town, but we aren’t allowed to swim in it.
5.My dad smokes but he isn’t allowed to smoke at home.
6.Aren’t you allowed to use your mobile phone at school?
1. I don't listen to music after mindnight-my parents say no. My parents don't let me listen to music after midnight
2.I watch the late-night film on Friday –my paents say I can. My parents let me watch the late-night filon on Friday.
3.My brother doesn’t use my computer – I say he can’t. I don’t let my brother to use my computer.
4.We never run in the corridors at my school- the teachers say we can’t.  The teachers let us run in the corridors.
5.We don’t wear trainers to school- the head teacher says we can’t. The head teacher doesn’t let us to wear trainers.
6.I drive our car sometimes – my dad says it’s OK. My dad let me drive our car sometimes.
Check your progress
Ex. 1/a
While I was walking down the street yesterday, I saw a friend of mine. He was looking in a shop window. I started to cross the road to say hello to him. While I was crossing the road, I heard a noise. A bus came in my direction! The bus stopped very close to me. I was lucky it didn’t hit me! 

Ex. 1/b
I’m a good player, but Steve is better than me and Jane is the best player in the school!
Question 1 was easy. Question 4 was easier than question 1, and question 6 was the easiest question of all.
Last night’s match was exciting, but Saturday’s match was more exciting than last night’s match, and Sunday’s match was the most exciting ever.
Yesterday was a bad day for me, but Thursday was worse than yesterday, and Friday was the worst day of my life!

Ex. 1/c
They ran home quickly.
She smiled happily
My brother speaks French fluently.
The hairdresser cut my hair very badly.
I answered all the questions easily.
Our team played very goodly.

Ex. 2/a
Bad – good
Fast – slow
Cheap – expensive
Beautiful – ugly
Tidy – messy
Quiet – noisy
Easy – difficult

Ex. 2/b
It rained very hard last Saturday when I was in town, and I got very wet.
Our dog can’t walk very well because he’s getting very old now.
I got a surprise yesterday. My uncle sent me some money!
The party was great, and I didn’t get home until midnight!
My brother says he gets good ideas when he daydreams.
I love Maths, and I’m happy when I get the answer right.

Check your progress

1.If I clean the house, my parents will give me some extre money.
2.I will phone Mike if he doesn't arrive before 10 o'clock.
3.If you speak very fast, they will not understand you.
4.If Marco phones tonight, will you tell him I'm at Sally's house?
5.Your parents will not know if you don't tell them.


1.You like this music, don't you?
2.Your sister goes to my school, doesn't she?
3.His father's French, isn't he?
4.We're late, aren't we?
5.They aren't at home, are they?
6.She hasen't been to Canada, has she?


1.John's just had his breakfast.
2.A:Would you like some chocolate?
B: No, thanks. I have already had some.
3.Have you bought your sister a present yet?
4. We have already finished our homework.
5.Has Marta seen the film yet?

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